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The Rock at Horeb

For those who are looking for it, The Lord God is proving His Holy Word through recent discoveries as man's knowledge continues to increase. Rather than debunking God's Holy Word, scientific (archeological) discovery keeps proving it true.

Consider these photos as a quick example: This site within the Saudi Peninsula was originally discovered (in modernity) by Christian explorer Ron Wyatt, back in the 80's. He was the first to re-discover the true site of Mt. Sinai - which was confirmed by the secondary discovery of "the rock that split in two" - out of which God provided a great spring of living water. They've confirmed that the rock formations at the base of this towering structure show the uncanny signs of water-flow.

The second picture was provided to give perspective - to show the enormous girth of the rock that Abba split for His little ones.

"They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out." Isaiah 48:21

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Mark Scott Grimmett

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