A Father's Blessing - From John Paul Jackson
Posted by Dreams and Mysteries - A Heartfelt Blessing from a Prohetic Father of our day.
A Father's Blessing from
John Paul Jackson
John Paul Jackson is a great man of God and a prophet of astonishing anointing. He will be missed.
To our sorrow (here on Earth), John crossed over to be with The Lord in February at the age of 64 - much earlier than most of us would have ever imagined. Though our loss is surely Heaven's gain, we do not grieve as the world grieves - for we remain confident in Abba's purpose for John's life and for ours.
Not a word that was prophesied through this great man has fallen to the ground or returned to our Holy Father void. Every syllable shall be accomplished just as was foretold. John's work will now continue as one of the members of the Great Cloud of Witnesses - lifting us in prayer and cheering us on from victory to victory.
Enjoy your great bounty, John Paul - it is well earned.
Mark Grimmett
GoldenLight Ministries