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kim Clement's Amazing 2007 Donald Trump Prophecy

This astonishing Word of The Lord was originally given by Kim Clement back in 2007 concerning the future of America.  It is presented for you here by way of an expose that was recently aired on the Jim Bakker Show's, "Revelation in the News". 
GoldenLight Ministries is in no way affiliated with the Jim Bakker Show, but we are delighted to pass this along for you with an encouragement to support this fine ministry.
Mind-blowingly accurate years before these events could even be imagined, I would challenge you to watch with an open heart and know that Jesus still speaks to us today through His many Prophets, Seer's, and Watchmen.
Your Brother and Servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,
Mark Scott Grimmett
GoldenLight Ministries
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