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The Temple Mount

Debunking A compelling Theory

a compelling argument has been recently thrust into the limelight concerning one of great focal points of modern eschatology - the 36-Acre plateau in the heart of Jerusalem affectionately known as "The Temple Mount". 
GoldenLight Ministries initially concurred with these controversial revelations, which cited evidence that the original temples of Jerusalem actually stood in the city of David - instead of the traditional site known throughout the world as The Temple Mount. 

We have since changed our minds.  this impressive work by "HolyLandSite" (with whom GoldenLight Ministries is in no way associated) was chiefly responsible for the turnaround.  

If you are one of the many who (like us) were drawn in by the City of David Temple Location theorem, please take the time to watch this thorough analysis.  It does an exceptional job debunking the City of David theory as entirely false, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of unbridled truth.  I think you will find it fascinating.

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

MArk Scott Grimmett
GoldenLight ministries
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