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The Ark of the Covenant

Follow Christian archaeologist Ron Wyatt on this amazing journey as he passionately pursues The Lord's Holy Ark!

Brothers and Sisters,

It's a pleasure to bring you a documentary about the great Christian Archaeologist, Ron Wyatt.  Not only is Ron a mighty saint of God and a passionate lover of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but he also spent several decades seeking out some of the most fascinating mysteries that are described in God's Holy Word.  Before His crossing in the year 1999 (to be with Jesus), Ron was able to successfully unravel several astounding mysteries for all the world to see.  Among these discoveries are the true location of Noah's Ark, a scientific excavation of Sodom and Gomorrah, the exact location of the Red Sea parting, and the true location of Mount Sinai.  

Here for your viewing pleasure is the amazing story of his work in Jerusalem to unearth the true location of the Ark of the Covenant in Jeremiah's Grotto.  The discoveries revealed during this fascinating dig transcend mere antiquity to inspire like little else.  

So kick back and enjoy the work of this great man of God - who was once held hostage by a terrorist group, and (in a separate incident) spent a month rotting in a Saudi Arabian prison for the work he was doing at Sinai.   

Indiana Who??

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Mark Scott Grimmett

GoldenLight Ministries

June 2, 2013


PS.  Is your interest piqued?  Below is a testimony about the blood sample that was given to Ron by the attending angels in Jeremiah's Grotto.  This is a must see video detailing the scientific findings reported by Jewish scientists.  Below that video is a dissertation that was filmed inside Zedekiah's Cave, which is near the dig where Ron discovered the Ark of the Covenant.  Listen to him tell his story in his own words...  Separated into three parts.

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