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What Will Never Happen

It is commonly held that the only way to properly address a mistake (or concern) is a full-stop followed by a complete reversal - then taking the correct path at the very point from which the divergence into error was indulged. What can never be done is attempting to correct an error by remaining on the wrong path; for in doing this one includes the original error in the new equation, thereby exacerbating the issue. The only way to fix a problem is to isolate the issue, return to the point of the error, and then start afresh from that point - choosing the correct path.

I begin with this to explain why the first few Golden Manna of God blog posts have thus far been (and for some time are likely to remain) framed to address "issues" within the Body of Christ; things which must be corrected so that looming judgments may be averted (or at least reduced). It is neither my commission nor desire to perpetuate negativity, but neither am I inclined to soft-soap the truth in order to make it more palatable for those whom our Lord wants aroused from slumber.

And so it was that I was recently was reminded of another horrendous trend in the Body of Christ for which great judgment certainly looms - judgment of an apocalyptic nature if the matter isn't immediately remedied. The reminder came by way of pull-quotes that were extracted from a recent interview with a prominent (ex) Mega-Church Pastor; conducted by a woman who is (perhaps) the most noted interviewer in the world. The things this man said in the discourse of the interview promptly turned my stomach.

First the interviewer qualified her questions by complimenting the (ex) Pastor on being "very progressive" in his thinking. It wasn't an accusation, and the question to follow seemed sadly inevitable.

Is the church, she asked, ready to accept gay marriage?

To be completely truthful, the answer that this man returned was no surprise to me. He has long outraged a host of holiness-minded members of the Body of Christ with his liberal posturing and bald equivocation. Whether citing hell as being a mere metephor or taking "hyper-grace" to new levels of consequence-free inclusiveness, he never seems to miss an opportunity to trumpet the non-judgmental "all roads lead to God" nonsense that has brought the North American church to the brink of judgment. This man has written many books impugning holiness as being wrong-minded and archaic, openly advocating for tolerance and acceptance with little (or no) regard for righteous living.

Yes, rang the predictable answer to the interviewer's question, the church is "moments away" from accepting gay marriage.

It is commonly held that the only way to properly address a mistake (or concern) is a full-stop followed by a complete reversal - then taking the correct path at the very point from which the divergence into error was indulged. What can never be done is attempting to correct an error by remaining on the wrong path; for in doing this one includes the original error in the new equation, thereby exacerbating the issue. The only way to fix a problem is to isolate the issue, return to the point of the error, and then start afresh from that point - choosing the correct path.

I begin with this to explain why the first few Golden Manna of God blog posts have thus far been (and for some time are likely to remain) framed to address "issues" within the Body of Christ; things which must be corrected so that looming judgments may be averted (or at least reduced). It is neither my commission nor desire to perpetuate negativity, but neither am I inclined to soft-soap the truth in order to make it more palatable for those whom our Lord wants aroused from slumber.

And so it was that I was recently was reminded of another horrendous trend in the Body of Christ for which great judgment certainly looms - judgment of an apocalyptic nature if the matter isn't immediately remedied. The reminder came by way of pull-quotes that were extracted from a recent interview with a prominent (ex) Mega-Church Pastor; conducted by a woman who is (perhaps) the most noted interviewer in the world. The things this man said in the discourse of the interview promptly turned my stomach.

First the interviewer qualified her questions by complimenting the (ex) Pastor on being "very progressive" in his thinking. It wasn't an accusation, and the question to follow seemed sadly inevitable.

Is the church, she asked, ready to accept gay marriage?

To be completely truthful, the answer that this man returned was no surprise to me. He has long outraged a host of holiness-minded members of the Body of Christ with his liberal posturing and bald equivocation. Whether citing hell as being a mere metaphor or taking "hyper-grace" to new levels of consequence-free inclusiveness, he never seems to miss an opportunity to trumpet the non-judgmental "all roads lead to God" nonsense that has brought the North American church to the brink of judgment. This man has written many books impugning holiness as being wrong-minded and archaic, openly advocating for tolerance and acceptance with little (or no) regard for righteous living.

Yes, rang the predictable answer to the interviewer's question, the church is "moments away" from accepting gay marriage.

The lady challenged him with anecdotal evidence that many Christians are actually resisting gay marriage in the church - "pushing back" as it was carefully asserted. The Pastor assured her that the Body of Christ would very soon openly embrace the homosexual lifestyle in order to prevent becoming irrelevant. As the lifestyle becomes more pervasive, he reasoned, nobody will want to look at their loved ones and tell them that they are somehow excluded. He also stated that the church needs to stop quoting letters from 2000 years ago - using them to rail against the acceptance of homosexuality in their midst.

Mr. Mega Pastor, your words are rancid filth - and what you suggest will NEVER happen.

To say that homosexuality is a sin would be a grotesque understatement. Not only is it clearly articulated throughout God's Holy Word as sin, but it is also classified with other acts of vileness in what The Lord calls "abominations". Though it is very true that the wages of all sin is death, homosexuality sickens our Father on whole different level. Scripture after scripture (Old and New testament) bears this truth out in bold, clear terms. This is the very reason why the devil has always delighted to use this form of perversion in the degradation of Kingdoms and nations throughout the centuries, and the end-result for those nations has always been total ruin. I urge you to research Ron Wyatt's excellent archeological work on the ancient sites of Sodom and Gomorrah (You Tube), and you will see this evidence for yourself.

So just to be clear:

The TRUE Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will NEVER cease clinging to every single word that was written in the Bible. The Bible is infallible - HOLY. It cannot and will not be removed, no matter how many people have been brainwashed to do otherwise. The Bible is the very Word of God and the truth presented therein is the gift of life itself.

The TRUE Church of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will NEVER accept the homosexual lifestyle in our midst - FAR LESS the abominable practice of same-sex-marriage.


It is very true that we love the sinner but we hate the sin - and only in this statement does homosexuality find its rightful place in our midst. We who love The Lord will always reach out to homosexuals with the one and only answer to their dilemma - that answer being the hopeful message of complete healing and total renewal through true repentance and the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Like every sinner from every type of sin, homosexuals must also turn away from their wicked behavior - and those who willfully linger in it will never enter The Kingdom of Heaven.

It was the Prophet Bob Jones who once said it best: "There will never be a practicing homosexual in Heaven."

To this I would add, There will never be a practicing (unrepentant) murderer in Heaven.

There will never be a practicing (unrepentant) adulterer in Heaven.

There will never be a practicing (unrepentant) child-molester, thief, rapist, or coward in Heaven...

The Lord God said it like this in the book of Revelation (21:8):

"...But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

The only remedy is repentance.

If you are homosexual or bi-sexual, please understand that there is healing and complete restoration through the redemptive power in the blood of Jesus Christ. Turn from that wickedness and you will be forgiven, cleansed of your sins, made whole, and for the first time in your life know true joy. Far from being a message of "hate" (which has always been a lie of the devil sent forth to sequester free speech), our message is one of love and true desire for your good.

Much like the man who flags a bus down to prevent it plunging off a cliff that lurks at the end of the road ahead, so also our message is one that has at it's heart the best interest of the ones to whom it is addressed. Our motivation is love - which in its purest form has always been discipline. Conversely, Mr. Mega Pastor (within our metaphor) is one of many in the Body of Christ who are standing beside the road, cheering the bus along its merry way as it races toward the ghastly precipice and a sudden awful plunge into a pit of certain death.

Full-stop - complete reversal - then take the path that leads to Eternal Life.

Your brother and servant in Christ Jesus our Lord,

Mark Scott Grimmett

GoldenLight Ministries

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